Enter a new world, designed to protect our own.

The Bioverse is a web3 Metaverse social impact network for those who love to fight and play for nature, and those who want to join them.

The Bioverse is not built to replace our world with a false one to escape to, but to create a new complementary space which augments and improves where we all live, Spaceship Earth.

Past social media networks have divided us as they connect us, what can bridge this polarisation?

A love for nature is in every humans DNA, it is baked into many parts of our brains and body. Biophilic design taps into our inherent affiliation to nature, from our ‘lizard’ brains to the early religions of every culture. There are many humans who are no longer consciously aware of this connection, therefore the Bioverse blends nature with the technologically familiar and exciting sci fi gaming aesthetic.

Who is it for?

Are you an individual, community, business or activist group who are tackling the climate crisis? Are you interested in connecting with humans who are working, playing, loving and fighting now, to protect our beautiful planet and create a better future? Are you scared of the future and don’t know what to do? If so The Bioverse is being built with and for you.

“We have to remember that we are living under a spell, and this spell is destroying our worlds. It’s time to cast another spell, to call other worlds into being, to conjure other worlds within this world.”

— Natasha Myers

Let’s meet up in real life to share in the beauty of the natural world.

Sign up to join our mailing list, let’s build a new world together.